
Monday, May 13, 2024

The wavering mind will experience only a hazy figure of God. In a steady mind, God will be a clear image.

 The Lord is omnipresent and can assume several forms. It is best for us to realise this truth and accept Divinity in all living beings. Whoever comes to us and in whatever form he comes and seeks our love and attention, he should be given the love and attention we would give to God Himself. God is immanent in all living beings. When you see any one of them, you should respect him as you would respect God. If you cannot respect a living human being who is right in front of you, how can you respect God who is unseeable and unreachable? Your mother and father are the first people whom you should regard as God. Neglecting your mother and father, even if you spend all your time in God’s worship, it becomes futile. You should worship God as a life force and not as an inanimate picture.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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