
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What should be our attitude towards the criticism that comes our way?

 Salute even those who criticise you because Divinity is present in all. Do not spoil your mind by harbouring the feelings of anger, etc. Pray to God with love. All noble souls and incarnations in the past had also to put up with criticism. You may ask, why should such criticism arise at all? Criticism, in fact, adds to their glory. Pleasure is an interval between two pains. Shadow follows light. One should not be afraid of the shadow. There is light even in the shadow. Light and shadow cannot exist separately. There is a principle of unity between them. So, do not react to any criticism levelled against Swami or any other elder for that matter. Just brush it aside, saying, you have nothing to do with it. If someone points out mistakes in you, you can certainly rectify them. But if someone levels false charges against you, you don’t need to be worried over it. Be happy. If the criticism is made in a loud voice, it goes into the thin air. If it is made within oneself, it goes to oneself only. Such being the case, why should you be perturbed? Let anyone say anything; remain calm. Consider whatever happens as good for you. With such equal-mindedness, carry on your good work.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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