
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What are essential to ensure that our prayers reach God directly?

 If we were to write a letter, put it in an envelope, write the correct address on it and affix a postal stamp, the letter would be delivered, be it to the neighbouring street or to a far-off city like Delhi, Calcutta or Bombay. There is no far and near for the address written or for the postage stamp on the letter. Likewise, God makes no distinction between those near to Him or remote from Him.  We have to write down the 'address' of faith correctly. The faith should be unwavering, total and free from doubts of any kind. The letter with the address of faith has also to carry the stamp of Prema (Love). It should be selfless love. Selfish love will be useless. When firm faith is associated with such complete love, the prayers addressed to God are bound to reach Him. This kind of faith has become rare nowadays. Self-confidence is totally absent. How can one without confidence in himself for a mere three days have faith in God?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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