
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What is the nature of pure love and why is it important to cultivate such divine love?

 Men today are dominated by three evil qualities: anger, hatred, and envy. These poison the mind of man. Consequently, every action of man gets poisoned. Every word he utters is venomous. All actions done by the promptings of the mind are tainted. All sensory actions are equally polluted. To transform these evil thoughts and actions into good ones, it is necessary to infuse love into all thoughts and actions. When the mind is filled with love, all actions get suffused with love. Today man is totally unaware of what is meant by love. Man equates desire with love. He imagines that whatever he yearns for is prompted by love. This is not true Prema (love). Prema is totally free from desire. It is utterly selfless. It seeks no return. It is all-encompassing. It makes no distinction between friend and foe. Forgetting this concept of universal selfless love, filling himself with selfish desires, man fancies that he is filled with Love. This is mundane attachment. It is quite apart from the love that flows from the Spirit inside. Spiritual love is boundless. It is vital to fill the mind with Love and expel the six enemies residing in it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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