
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What is the two-step process to attain peace in this life?

 In the modern world, every person tries hard to attain peace, performing various kinds of Sadhana. Peace cannot be attained through spiritual pursuits. It cannot be acquired even by knowledge of the texts, authority or high positions in life. Peace can be attained only by God’s grace. Though man is eager to attain peace, he confronts many obstacles in the path. Those who travel by train may be well acquainted with the slogan, “Less luggage, more comfort, make travel a pleasure.” Now, man is burdening himself with limitless desires. Because of this extra heavy luggage of desires, he finds it extremely difficult to carry on the journey of life. By such a proliferation of desires, he loses his balance, moves far away from his goal, and even tends to go mad. It is for this reason that I have been stressing the need for a ceiling on desires. By limiting your desires, you can attain peace to a certain extent. You have to exercise a check on your desires and make efforts to get the grace of the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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