
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What would be the attitude of a true devotee on worldly matters?

 “Udaseenah'' means ‘indifference towards sorrow and joy, loss or gain, honour or dishonour’. You must be concerned only to see whether your actions are pure and selfless according to your conscience. Nothing else matters, neither praise nor blame of other people. When your conscience tells you what you are doing is good, you may go ahead regardless of the opinion of others, whether they are your kinsmen, friends or others. This is the true meaning of Udaseenah (indifference). You should not be swayed by fears or threats. In this context, it is advisable for sevaks to keep away from politics. Sometimes, out of a desire for recognition or publicity, one may be tempted to cultivate relationships with men in power. This temptation corrupts your mind. By developing the Udaseenata (spirit of indifference) in its true sense, you must seek to serve all with a feeling of love. Indifference should not assume the form of arrogance or ostentatious condescension. Adhere to what is right and turn away from what is bad. That is the highest Udaseenata.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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